Our Cinik Media Digital Marketing Agency accepts guest posts for its blog. Guest posting is a great way to gain additional exposure for your website. You will have a chance to earn backlinks to your website and reach a new audience. We welcome most business professional knowledge and marketing-related submissions. But we also accept submissions that are related to business systems and resources as well.
Please do not advertise for your own site in the blog post. We do allow you to include two links to your own website within the body of the post. You should also include two internal links to this website’s content in your post, where possible.
Articles must be 700+ words. We allow one contextual link per 500 words with a maximum of two links back to your website. You will also be allowed to post an author bio with another link.
All content must be original. Scraped or spun content will not be accepted. We will take down the piece if we discover that the content was scrapped or spun from another source.
Please contact us to submit your article ideas . Please do not submit a full article. We do not want to waste your time. We will let you know if your idea is approved.
We reserve the right to edit for grammar and spelling. We will do our best not to change the substance. Please send us your article in a Google Doc.
After we publish the article we encourage you to link to the article on your website. And we also encourage you to share the article on social media.